The Town of Whiteland, Indiana owns and operates its Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Wastewater Treatment Plant is a 100% Biological process of extended aeration; activated sludge design with a treatment capacity of 840,000 gallons per day serving over 2,000 customers.

Office hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. To report a problem during office hours call (317) 535-5531.

To contact the Superintendent of the Sewer Department with any questions or concerns about the Sanitary Sewer Collection System, Sanitary Sewer Lift Stations, or the Wastewater Treatment Plant please call (317) 535-7627 in the office, (317) 557-2955 for mobile and after hours, or email at

If you have a question about your utility bill or request information you may call (317) 535-5531, or email

Fats, oils, & grease (FOG)

Fats, oils, & grease, when washed down the drain, can cause serious problems for sewer lines, including blockages, overflows, and contamination of local waterways. We encourage all residents to clink on the link below for tips to help keep our sewer lines clean!

Inflow & Infiltration

Inflow and infiltration happens when water from the environment enters the sewage system for treatment.

The Town of Whiteland has two sewer systems:

  • Sewage system (sanitary sewer)
  • Storm sewer

The sewage system is designed to carry sewage to the treatment plant for processing before returning it to the environment. The storm sewer prevents streets from flooding by draining and carrying excess stormwater (water from rainfall and snowmelt) to lakes and streams.

What is Inflow and Infiltration?

Inflow happens when stormwater enters the sewage system through sump pumps or downspouts still connected to the sewage system instead of the storm sewer.

Infiltration happens when water or groundwater from beneath the earth’s surface enters the sewage system through damage or defects such as holes and cracks in sewer pipes.

Inflow and Infiltration Diagram

Inflow and Infiltration Diagram