The Whiteland Advisory Plan Commission serves to oversee land use and development in Whiteland in order to promote the community’s quality of life. Responsibilities of the Plan Commission is as follows:

Under Indiana law, the plan commission is responsible for the following:

  • Preparing a comprehensive plan.
  • Preparing a zoning ordinance and a subdivision control ordinance
  • Making recommendations to the legislative body on proposals to amend the text of the zoning ordinance or subdivision control ordinance
  • Making recommendations to the legislative body on proposals to amend the zoning map (rezonings)
  • Approving or denying proposals to subdivide land, based upon compliance with the subdivision control ordinance
  • Approving development plans
  • Assigning street addresses


The Plan Commission membership is comprised of four residents appointed by the Town Council President and three members who are elected or appointed officials or employees of the Town.

  • Gary Howard
  • Conrad Golbov
  • Eric Funkhouser
  • Justin Lien
  • Andy Marker
  • Byron Temple
  • Shaun Young


The Plan Commission has regularly scheduled meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at 7pm.