As a Phase II MS4, the Town of Whiteland is required by the U.S. EPA and to detect and eliminate illicit discharges. Illicit discharges are any discharge into a storm drain system that is not composed entirely of stormwater. Illicit discharges into the storm sewer system are a problem because storm sewers drain directly into a fresh water source, and does not go through any treatment facilities, unlike wastewater. Illicit discharges often include pathogens, nutrients, surfactants, and various toxic pollutants that can harm the watershed and kill wildlife.

What is the Town of Whiteland Doing?

The Department of Stormwater Management conducts regular monitoring and testing of all waterways that flow in the Town. We also walk the entire length of these waterways to ensure there are not any new pipes or outfalls running into the waterway that may be unapproved and contaminating the waterway. The Town also investigates all reports of polluters or illicit discharge that occur within the Town’s MS4 area.

What Can You Do?

More than 60% of water pollution comes from residential areas such as excess fertilizer and pet waste. Other pollutants include oil, grease, gasoline, pesticides, and dirt from construction sites. Every one of us can do small things to help clean up our water. It starts with knowing that our sewers and storm systems flow directly into the environment into waterways, wetlands, ponds, and lakes. This can negatively impact shellfish beds, fish and animal habitat, recreational swimming, and even our drinking water. To lessen pollution, we all need to do our part and change our habits. Your efforts, along with your neighbors, can make a difference!

Household Guidelines

Report a Polluter

If you see something, say something! Please use the form below to report any polluting activity to the Town of Whiteland.

    Complaint Information





    Nature of Concern

    Description of Concern

    Specific Location:

    Description: Please provide written statement of concern below and desired outcome.

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